Almost every Buffalo supplier in Haryana is aware of the fact that the milk yield and the fat percentage of a dairy buffalo depend on its genetic potential. No buffalo can increase the milk yield beyond what is their genetic potential.
But there are buffalo suppliers who have buffaloes that do not even provide them with the real potential milk yield. The main reason behind this is, malnutrition and along with that, the dairy cattle are made to go through a lot of stress which leads them towards low milk yield. Therefore for increasing the milk yield, the buffalo supplier in Haryana needs to cater to the nutritional necessities of the buffalo and also the stress factors.
Nutritional Factors To Take Care Of- These are the areas where you must focus to provide your buffalo with the needed amount of nutrition.
Green Fodder- • Being a Buffalo supplier you must know how much green fresh fodder your buffalo might need. Provide your buffalo with 20-25 kilograms of fresh green fodder. Along with the green fodder try and mix some legumes too, like cowpea, hedge lucerne, like Co4, Sorghum, etc. • Try to chaff the fresh green fodder. This will help in increasing the nutritional value and also reduce the amount of wastage.
Give Dry Fodder- • Every buffalo supplier in Haryana knows, that not just green fodder but dry fodder is also required. You must provide at least 10 kilograms of dry fodder to your buffalo. • It is also advised that you provide your buffalo with the dry fodder after the evening milking.
Provide A Mineral Mixture- • If you are a buffalo supplier in Haryana you will know how important providing the mineral mixture is. You should give them around 50 grams of the mineral mixture.
• Without having the mineral mixture the buffaloes will result in having micronutrient deficiency and that will decrease the amount of milk yield and it will also cause problems in reproduction.
Provide Concentrate Feed- • You almost have to provide your Buffalo with at least 4 kilograms of the concentrate feed. For the high milkers, you might need to even increase the quantity.
• Also don’t just go for one type of crop, try and mix at least one oil cake such as groundnut cake or cottonseed cake or anything which will be locally available.
• Try to use a grain type like maize powder, and one husk, like black gram husk or paddy husk. Soak it all overnight and that will ferment it nicely. After that, the need will have increased nutritional value.
Provide Clean Water- • Water is something which both animals and humans need for survival, therefore being a Buffalo supplier in Haryana you must know that your buffalo also needs an adequate amount of water for healthy survival. • You being a Buffalo supplier you need to take good care of your buffaloes so always provide them with at least 30 litres of clean and hygienic water.
Stress Factors Which You Should Take Care Of- • Make sure each day you follow the same routine for milking your buffaloes. And also make the same man do the work every day. • Clean the dung thrice every day. Wash the animals every day twice. • Make sure the animals are not threatened or beaten up. Keep their shed free of mosquitoes. • Also keep in mind that you need to deworm the buffaloes regularly. As warms in the stomach will result in reduced milk yield.
Being a Buffalo supplier in Haryana, you need to take proper care of your animals. Let them be happy and free so that they produce more amount of milk.
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